Come, Let Us Adore Him !

REGISTER for Holy Hour(s),  Access up-to-date   Adoration Schedule,   WEATHER & CLOSURE UPDATES,   
Request Substitutes,
   and more!  Please take a moment to watch the

We ask everyone in our faith community to participate in this very holy ministry by making an act of love through the offering of just one hour a week to Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament in our Adoration Chapel.  Adoring our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration unleashes God’s grace for our lives, our families & loved ones, our clergy, parish, Church, and the whole world.

** Please include our Clergy, Vocations, Church in your Holy Hour intentions **

Emmaus Chapel Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration is open to the public:
Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday  |  8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Chapel entrance is located
on the northwest corner of St. William Church.

For more information, please contact our Adoration Coordinator at:
Ad*******@Sa****************.org  or 720-466-1210   Thank you!!

** 2024 Scheduled Chapel Closures **

Thanksgiving Day - Thursday November 28th
Christmas Day - Wednesday December 25th

** 2025 Scheduled Chapel Closures **
New Year's Day - Wednesday January 1st
Holy Week -- Thursday April 17th the chapel will close prior to mass, reopen Monday April 21st
Memorial Day - Monday May 26th
Independence Day - July 4th
Labor Day - Monday September 1st
Thanksgiving - Thursday November 27th
Christmas Eve - Wednesday Dec. 24th close at 4pm
Christmas Day -  Thursday Dec. 25th, close all day
New Year's Eve - Wednesday December 31st, close at 4pm
New Year's Day - close all day